for The Chronicler =) Enjoy!
By Me
My new 2017 calendar is ready for purchase! Please click on the Lulu link, in the right margin and it will take you to the page where you can place your order. This is a 12 month calendar, glossy, measuring 8.5" x 11" - featuring 12 unique digital images that I've created. These can be matted and framed, as the months go by, so it is pretty much like getting 12 prints for only $14.99. Pretty cool, I think =) Please let me know if you have any questions! With blessings of love and light, Peggi
How beautiful...and evocative of a home in paradise. John Muir or Abraham Lincoln or maybe Gary Snyder lives alone there in the bee-loud glade of America heaven where the peace comes dropping slow. Does The Chronicler live there? What a lucky man.
I'm glad you like this pic, Pondering Pig - no, the Chronicler does not live there - it is an abandoned cabin in a canyon here in AZ - but I do believe he is rather fond of the place =)
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