Digital Collage * iPhoneography * Photography * Altered Art * Fine Art * Photo Fusion * Color Merge * Experimental Photography * An art and photography blog with something for every interest. I use Paint Shop Pro X and Paint Shop Pro X2, as well as Adobe Photoshop CS4 to create my digital collages. Please do not copy the images on this blog without permission. For further information please email me. All of my artwork is Copyright Peggi Meyer Graminski 2005-2016; other images remain the copyright of their original owners.

***Please click on the images to enlarge them. This will give you a much better view. ***

My new 2017 calendar is ready for purchase! Please click on the Lulu link, in the right margin and it will take you to the page where you can place your order. This is a 12 month calendar, glossy, measuring 8.5" x 11" - featuring 12 unique digital images that I've created. These can be matted and framed, as the months go by, so it is pretty much like getting 12 prints for only $14.99. Pretty cool, I think =) Please let me know if you have any questions! With blessings of love and light, Peggi

Monday, January 22, 2007

Smiling Through

Still feeling crummy ...

but at least the computer's up and running again...I'm having some trouble getting Paint Shop to work like I like it - either the settings aren't right or something, or maybe it's just the fact that I've been sick...I dunno.

Anyway, the good - no, the FANTASTIC - news is that it snowed here. Alot! (For where I live in AZ 1-2 inches is a lot =) It is so amazingly beautiful, and really made me happy to watch it falling even though I couldn't go out and play in it. I will take some photos though - it looks like a winter wonderland from my bedroom window. Sooooo pretty! Happy Monday! xxxooo

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Flowers in My Mother's Garden

When I was working on this, it began to remind me of the flowers my Mom used to have in her "Secret Garden" (her name for the part of the backyard where she could go when she wanted to be alone, with her own thoughts ... ) Anyway, that's why I decided to call it that. Hope everyone is enjoying their second week of 2007!

Monday, January 08, 2007